Save $600 per year on electricity with a free monthly credit on your utility bill.

Apply now

How does it work?

How does it work?
  • steps5@2x
  • steps6@2x
  • steps7@2x
  • step 1

    Sign up for JOE-4-SUN.

  • step 2

    Receive an average of $50 per month in credits on your electric bill.

  • step 3

    Save about $600 each year from clean, green, solar power and no changes to your billing.

  • No Cost.

  • No Fees.

  • No Installations.

  • No Obligations.

  • No Credit Checks.

Who qualifies?

*Barnstable's villages are Barnstable, Centerville, Cummaquid, Cotuit, Hyannis, Hyannis Port, West Hyannisport, Marstons Mills, Osterville and West Barnstable.

What do I need?

What do I need?

Your most recent electric bill.

To apply, simply upload or mail a copy of your entire electric bill. Kindly note that a disconnection notification does not meet this requirement.

Your agreement.

Review and sign our terms & conditions and the MA SMART Disclosure form.

Your contact information.

Your mailing address and a phone number or email.

Ready to start saving?

Sample Bills



Want to talk?